Published Scientific Papers

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Ex Vivo Cell Therapy by Ectopic Hepatocyte Transplantation Treats the Porcine Tyrosinemia Model of Acute Liver Failure

Human liver disease is modeled in swine. Liver cells transplanted, forming ectopic livers that cured fatal disease.

Development of Ectopic Livers by Hepatocyte Transplantation Into Swine Lymph Nodes

Transplanted swine liver cells are engrafted into the lymph nodes, proliferated, and form ectopic mini-livers.

Engineering strategies for generating hypoimmunogenic cells with high clinical and commercial value

The engineering of allogeneic cells to be ‘hypoimmunogenic’, also referred to as ‘universal’, so that they evade a host's immune system would be transformative for regenerative medicine.

Toward a unified theory of aging and regeneration

A unified model of aging and loss of regenerative potential is emerging that may ultimately be translated into new therapeutic approaches for establishing induced tissue regeneration and modulation...

Host Lymphotoxin-β Receptor Signaling Is Crucial for Angiogenesis of Metanephric Tissue Transplanted into Lymphoid Sites

Unraveling some of the molecular signaling that appears to be crucial for engrafted kidney tissue to grow.

Kidney-in-a-lymph node: A novel organogenesis assay to model human renal development and test nephron progenitor cell fates

Expands upon findings in mice that show human ectopic kidney tissues can be grown using the lymph node as a bioreactor.