Juvenescence Debuts New Product to Aid in Supporting a Healthy Metabolism


Juvenescence Ltd. (Juvenescence), a life sciences company focused on modifying aging and increasing human health span and longevity, today announced the launch of its first product. Metabolic Switch® is an evidence-based, breakthrough C6 Ketone Di-ester drink that, once consumed, puts the consumer in ketosis to promote a healthy metabolism.

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“We believe in a world where getting older doesn’t mean slowing down,” said  Colin Watts, Chief Executive Officer, JuvLife. “Metabolic Switch® switches on your metabolism which over time can sustain energy, protect and promote lean muscle and support healthy blood sugar and immune function— all conditions associated with aging. It is a clinically proven product developed by Juvenescence to help consumers support their healthy aging goals.”

A recently published study in Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders showed that only 12.2 percent of Americans have a healthy metabolism. Metabolic health is defined as having ideal levels of blood sugar, triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure and waist circumference, without using medications. Maintaining a healthy and flexible metabolism is essential to achieving an optimal health span and increasing longevity and energy.

For those who are looking for a tool to support a healthy metabolism and sustain energy through ketosis but finding it hard to stick to the ketogenic diet, Metabolic Switch® can give you some of the energy and healthy aging benefits of ketosis without the need for restrictive dietary changes. Each serving of Metabolic Switch® is 2.5 fl oz (75 mL) and contains 25g of C6 Ketone Di-ester that will naturally raise the levels of ketones in the blood to quickly generate a state of ketosis that lasts for several hours. Proprietary to Metabolic Switch® is C6 Ketone Di-ester, a unique food ingredient that was developed in partnership with The Buck Institute for Research on Aging and tested in both pre-clinical and clinical studies for safety and efficacy.

“As people age, metabolism changes— and for some people that leads to lower energy and weight gain,” said Dr. Brianna Stubbs, DPhil, Lead Translational Scientist at The Buck Institute for Research on Aging. “Research suggests that enabling a state of ketosis through a variety of methods including the intake of ketone esters, such as those found in Metabolic Switch®, can promote a healthy metabolism.”

C6 Ketone Di-ester, the key ingredient in Metabolic Switch® received Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status following an evaluation of scientific procedures, principles and published and unpublished data by a panel of experts.

Metabolic Switch® is available for purchase online at JuvLabs.com in 2-count ($24.95), 7-count ($74.95) and 28-count ($255.50). Metabolic Switch® has a substantial price advantage compared to other ketone esters and can be as low as $8.00 per dose when bought on subscription, which is available at JuvLabs.com in 7-count ($63.71) and 28-count ($217.18) options. Users can visit the product website as an educational resource for information about healthy aging and how maintaining a healthy metabolism will benefit your lifetime.


Ketosis is a metabolic state defined by the presence of a high concentration of ketones in the blood. Ketones are made naturally when your body releases stored fat to use for energy. Glucose (blood sugar) is a major fuel source for many cells in the body. However, when the body’s stores of glucose or carbohydrates are running low, the body starts to release more fat and converts it to ketones, so the body is fueled by fat and ketones rather than sugar. Metabolic Switch® by Juvenescence naturally raises the levels of ketones in the blood to quickly generate a state of ketosis, which can deliver some of the energy and healthy aging benefits of ketosis without the need to follow a restrictive diet.


Metabolic Switch® by Juvenescence is the company’s first product— an evidence-based, breakthrough C6 Ketone Di-ester drink that, once consumed, puts the consumer in ketosis to promote a healthy metabolism. Metabolic Switch® has a unique patented formulation that naturally raises the levels of ketones in the blood to quickly generate a state of ketosis that lasts for several hours. Each serving of Metabolic Switch® is 2.5 fl oz (75 mL) and contains 25g of C6 Ketone Di-ester. For optimal results, it is recommended to drink one bottle of Metabolic Switch® daily with food.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Juvenescence Ltd. is a life sciences company developing therapies to modify aging and increase healthy human longevity. It was founded by Jim Mellon, Dr. Greg Bailey, MD and Dr. Declan Doogan, MD. The Juvenescence team consists of highly experienced drug developers, entrepreneurs and investors with a significant history of success in the pharmaceutical and consumer health sectors. The company is committed to inspiring and equipping the world to not just reimagine what it means to get older but to help people reimagine their lifetime.

Juvenescence has a broad portfolio of products in development and is driving innovation amongst four divisions: JuvRx— Focused on traditional prescription medicines to modify aging and prevent diseases; JuvLife— Consumer products that manage aging and help increase health span; JuvDataScience— Rapidly improving the development of new drugs, artificial intelligence and machine learning to drive incredible efficiency and effectiveness in drug development; and JuvRegeneration— Positioned at the frontier of cell and tissue regeneration, the ravages of age and disease will require new cells and tissues to be regenerated.

Link to the PR News Wire press release found here.

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